88 research outputs found

    Towards iStarML 2.0: Closing gaps from evolved requirements

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    iStarML is an XML-based format for enabling interoperability among i* tools. Its main design focus was to support data interchange even when involved tools implement different i* variants. In this paper we analyse required changes to the format from two main sources (i) the evolution of i* into a consistent and clear set of core concepts expressed in the new iStar 2.0 specification and (ii) recurrent necessities due to a wide use of i* modelling. In order to address these requirements, we propose new XML elements to be considered in a new version of iStarML: iStarML2.0Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards a framework for improving goal-oriented requirement models quality

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    Goal-orientation is a widespread and useful approach to Requirements Engineering. However, quality assessment frameworks focused on goal-oriented processes are either limited or remain on the theoretical side. Requirements quality initiatives range from simple metrics applicable to requirements documents, to general-purpose quality frameworks that include syntactic, semantic and pragmatic concerns. In some recent works, we have proposed a metrics framework for goal-oriented models, but the approach did not cover the cycle of quality assessment. In this paper we present a semiotic-based quality assessment proposal built upon the i* framework and the SEQUAL proposal. We propose a simplification of SEQUAL which can be applied to i* models by defining semantic, pragmatic and social metrics. As a result, we obtain suites of metrics that can be applied to i* goal-oriented requirements models. This theoretical work is put into practice by using iStarML, a XML representation of i* models, over which XQuery sentences compute the proposed metrics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The i* framework for goal-oriented modeling

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39417-6i* is a widespread framework in the software engineering field that supports goal-oriented modeling of socio-technical systems and organizations. At its heart lies a language offering concepts such as actor, dependency, goal and decomposition. i* models resemble a network of interconnected, autonomous, collaborative and dependable strategic actors. Around this language, several analysis techniques have emerged, e.g. goal satisfaction analysis and metrics computation. In this work, we present a consolidated version of the i* language based on the most adopted versions of the language. We define the main constructs of the language and we articulate them in the form of a metamodel. Then, we implement this version and a concrete technique, goal satisfaction analys is based on goal propagation, using ADOxx. Throughout the chapter, we used an example based on open source software adoption to illustrate the concepts and test the implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A metamodelling approach for i* model translations

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    The i* (i-star) framework has been widely adopted by the information systems community. Since the time it was proposed, different variations have arisen. Some of them just propose slight changes in the language definition, whilst others introduce constructs for particular usages. This flexibility is one of the reasons that makes i* attractive, but it has as counterpart the impossibility of automatically porting i* models from one context of use to another. This lack of interoperability makes difficult to build a repository of models, to adopt directly techniques defined for one variation, or to use i* tools in a feature-oriented instead of a variant-oriented way. In this paper, we explore in more detail the interoperability problem from a metamodel perspective. We analyse the state of the art concerning variations of the i* language, from these variations and following a proposal from Wachsmuth, we define a supermetamodel hosting identified variations, general enough so as to embrace others yet to exist. We present a translation algorithm oriented to semantic preservation and we use the XML-based iStarML interchange format to illustrate the interconnection of two tools.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    iStarML: principles and implications

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    iStarML is an XML-based format for enabling i* interoperability. A relevant difference with any other interoperability proposal is that iStarML is founded under the assumption that there is not a common ontology guiding this communication proposal. The different i* variants and even particular applications proposing new language constructors forced to confront a theoretical approach for supporting an interoperability approach in an evolving and variable semantic scenario. In this paper we focused on the theories behind the iStarML proposal, which include sociological, cybernetics and linguistics approaches. Finally, we apply what these theories predict to the case of the i* framework and its research community.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Perspectives about paradigms in software engineering

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    There is a broad use of the term “paradigm” in Software Engineer-ing. Concepts such as structured paradigm, cascade paradigm or agent-oriented paradigm are very frequent in software engineering research proposals. In this essay we distinguish between functional and scientific paradigm and we show that the common use of paradigm in Software Engineering is about the func-tional or engineering paradigm rather than scientific paradigm. We distinguish among four possible perspectives and, in this context, we sustain that the scien-tific perspective is intrinsic and hence very difficult to properly identify and de-scribe. We argue that a discussion about the scientific paradigm in Software Engineering could help us to evaluate and improve the research practice in the discipline.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards interoperability of i* models using iStarML

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    Goal-oriented and agent-oriented modelling provides an effective approach to the understanding of distributed information systems that need to operate in open, heterogeneous and evolving environments. Frameworks, firstly introduced more than ten years ago, have been extended along language variants, analysis methods and CASE tools, posing language semantics and tool interoperability issues. Among them, the i* framework is one the most widespread. We focus on i*-based modelling languages and tools and on the problem of supporting model exchange between them. In this paper, we introduce the i* interoperability problem and derive an XML interchange format, called iStarML, as a practical solution to this problem. We first discuss the main requirements for its definition, then we characterise the core concepts of i* and we detail the tags and options of the interchange format. We complete the presentation of iStarML showing some possible applications. Finally, a survey on the i* community perception about iStarML is included for assessment purposes.Preprin

    3MSF: a framework to select mobile office devices

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    The mobile office devices market is currently growing, mainly due to the descending cost of wireless technology as well as the high diversity of functions and features covered. Diversity and proliferation become a hard problem when a person or organization aims at selecting the appropriate device for their particular needs. We propose here a framework for producing device recommendations based on personal or business needs. The framework is articulated through an architecture that includes subsystems for data extraction, recommendation and personalization. All these subsystems operate upon a goal-oriented knowledge base whose presentation is the subject of this paper. Our approach is built upon three independent models: a market model, which contains descriptions of the current devices offered in the marketplace; a domain model, which states the needs of the person or organization; and a mediator model, which describes the types of devices available. We show the actors and processes around these models. Last, we present a prototype that acts as proof-of-concept of the recommender system.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Definition and uses of the i* metamodel

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    The clear definition of a metamodel can be considered helpful for any conceptual modeling approach, and the i* framework is not an exception. Agreeing on a metamodel for i* can be considered even more convenient than ever when we are aware of the different dialects and variations that the commu-nity proposed, and keep proposing, over the seminal i* definition. In this paper we present the revised version of the i* metamodel proposed by the GESSI re-search group at 2005 and we report some current contexts of use: 1) definition of a data interchange format; 2) definition of the inheritance construct; 3) defi-nition of a modularity construct; and 4) definition of a metrics framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version